This i my xaml code
<DataGrid Name="ExcelSheetView" Visibility="Hidden" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="15,225,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="155" Width="auto" BeginningEdit="DataCellEditing_Event" CellEditEnding="CellEditingEnd_Event" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> <DataGrid.Columns> <DataGridTextColumn Header="ScheduleName" Binding="{Binding ScheduleName}" /> <!--<DataGridTextColumn Header="TamName" Binding="{Binding TamName}" />--> <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="TamName"> <DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBox Text="{Binding TamName}" BorderThickness="0" /> </DataTemplate> </DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> </DataGridTemplateColumn> </DataGrid.Columns> </DataGrid>
I am Using Observable Collection property to dyanmically bind the item source property of data grid
private ObservableCollection<MailingListStructure> ExcelSheetListDetails = new ObservableCollection<MailingListStructure>(DataList);
the above collections property i will set like datagrid.ItemsSource = ExcelSheetListDetails; In C# back End
But my Problem is I need to have empty text box(search Box) at the start of data rows (Below each coloumn header)
How to implement in this xaml or c#?Is it possible in wpf? i.e. the first row in the data rows must have empty text boxes() (only first row below coloumn header )
or i have create search box outside datagrid is the only way?Any help will be appreciated.