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How a mastr [grid which binded to master grid]class which

Feb 11 2014 1:00 PM

I have a class Cwhich has the PackDet as a sub class

In silverlight 4 c# project I binded to the master grid RegMaster - which has master item detail
and has the PackDet (which is binded to Detail grid) the PackDet class is in a common.cs file
which is inherited for RegMaster class

RegMaster Itemsource to the top grid in a screen

RegMaster.PackDet Itemsource to the bottom grid in the same screen

If I change the qunatity in PackDet class, how I could
reflect the change in the master class (i.e RegMaster)

I show the model below here

RegMaster Grid

CheckBox OrderItemID     ItemIdItemName    ItemQuantity


Checked         1     Paracetomol     81
NOTChecked   2        Aspirin         30


PackDet Grid


BatchNo     Quantity
#34342     45
#34342     36
AddButton      RemoveButton

When every add button is clicked PackDet class details should be save [i.e PackDetails should be updated to RegMaster class ]to RegMaster class.

Kindly give me the code and support if possible

Thanks for any support