Jenni Witzel

Jenni Witzel

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Homework help did i do it right

Oct 29 2008 4:13 PM


/*   Your Name                                          */

/*   CIS 218                                            */

/*   LAB 9 - Working with parallel arrays               */

/*   Due Date: xx/xx/xxxx                               */

/*                                                      */

/*   Description: This program builds on lab 7, adding  */

/*                data validation as well as job codes  */

/*                that are implemented via parallel     */

/*                arrays.                               */

/*                                                      */


using System;

using SC = System.Console;

public class FLastLab7

{ //Main Method

    public static void Main()


        string eName;

        double hoursWorked;

        int jobCode;


        SC.WriteLine("Lab 9 โ€“ Your Name");


        SC.Write("\nPlease input Employee Name: ");

        eName = SC.ReadLine();


        while (eName != "Quit")

Oval: A do-while loop that gets hours worked and validates each entry        {



                SC.Write("Please input hours worked:  ");

                hoursWorked = Convert.ToDouble(SC.ReadLine();

            } while (hoursWorked <= 0 || hoursWorked > 60);


Oval: You code a loop that gets the job code and validates each entry            do


                SC.Write(". . .;

                jobCode = . . .;

            } while ( . . . );


Oval: Create a newEmployee object using the name, hours worked, and job code            Employee newEmployee = new . . .;










            SC.Write("\nPlease input Employee Name: ");

            eName = SC.ReadLine();



        SC.WriteLine("\nEnd of Lab 9\n");



Oval: Put in two arrays    class Employee


        private double[] hourlyRates =      {. . . };


        private string[] jobDescriptions =  {"no such job", ". . .        };


        private string employeeName, employeeJob;


        private double hoursWorked, rateOfPay, grossPay, stateTax, federalTax,
                       ficaTax, netPay;

Oval: Note that jobCode replaces hours worked

        public Employee(string eName, double hours, int jobCode)


            employeeName = eName;

Oval: Get the rate from the hourlyRates array and get the job name from the jobDescriptions array            hoursWorked = hours;


            rateOfPay = . . .        ;

            employeeJob = . . .      ;



        public void PrintName()


            SC.WriteLine("\nEmployee Name:    {0}", employeeName);

Oval: This method is new        }


        public void OutputJobInfo()


            SC.WriteLine("Hourly rate is:\t{0,9}", rateOfPay.ToString("F2"));

            SC.WriteLine("Job Description:  {0}", employeeJob);



Oval: The rest of the code here should be the same as what was in the Employee class in Lab 7















This is what i did

/*   Your Name                                          */
/*   CIS 218                                            */
/*   LAB 9 - Working with parallel arrays               */
/*   Due Date: xx/xx/xxxx                               */
/*                                                      */
/*   Description: This program builds on lab 7, adding  */
/*                data validation as well as job codes  */
/*                that are implemented via parallel     */
/*                arrays.                               */
/*                                                      */
using System;
using SC = System.Console;
public class FLastLab7
{ //Main Method
    public static void Main()
        string eName;
        double hoursWorked;
        int jobCode;

        SC.WriteLine("Lab 9 โ€“ Your Name");

        SC.Write("\nPlease input Employee Name: ");
        eName = SC.ReadLine();

        while (eName != "Quit")
                SC.Write("Please input hours worked:  ");
                hoursWorked = Convert.ToDouble(SC.ReadLine();
            } while (hoursWorked <= 0 || hoursWorked > 60);

                SC.Write("Please input job code:  ");
                jobCode = Convert.ToDouble(SC.ReadLine();
            } while (jobCode <= 0 || jobCode > 60);

            Employee newEmployee = new Employee(eName, hoursWorked, rateOfPay);


            SC.Write("\nPlease input Employee Name: ");
            eName = SC.ReadLine();

        SC.WriteLine("\nEnd of Lab 9\n");

    class Employee
        private double[] hoursWorked = hrsWorked;

        private string[] jobDescriptions =  {"no such job", "WHAT GOES HERE" };

        private string employeeName, employeeJob;

        private double hoursWorked, rateOfPay, grossPay, stateTax, federalTax,
                       ficaTax, netPay;

        public Employee(string eName, double hours, int jobCode)
            employeeName = eName;
            hoursWorked = hours;

            rateOfPay = rate;
            employeeJob = eJob ;

        public void PrintName()
            SC.WriteLine("\nEmployee Name:    {0}", employeeName);

        public void OutputJobInfo()
            SC.WriteLine("Hourly rate is:\t{0,9}", rateOfPay.ToString("F2"));
            SC.WriteLine("Job Description:  {0}", employeeJob);

        public static void Main()
        double hours, rate;
        string employeeName, hoursStr, rateStr;

        SC.WriteLine("Lab 7 โ€“ Your Name\n");
        SC.Write("\nPlease input Employee Name: ");
        employeeName = SC.ReadLine();

        while (employeeName != "Quit")
            SC.Write("\nPlease input hours worked: ");
            hoursStr = SC.ReadLine();
            SC.Write("\nPlease input rate of pay: ");
            rateStr = SC.ReadLine();
            hours = Convert.ToDouble(hoursStr);
            rate = Convert.ToDouble(rateStr);

            Employee newEmployee = new Employee(eName, hoursWorked, rateOfPay);


            SC.Write("\nPlease input Employee Name: ");
            employeeName = SC.ReadLine();
        } // end of loop
        SC.WriteLine("\nEnd of Lab 7\n");
    } // end of Main method
} // end of Main class

class Employee
    private string employeeName;
    private double hoursWorked, rateOfPay, grossPay, stateTax,
    federalTax, ficaTax, netPay, overtimePay;

    public Employee(string eName, double hrsWorked, double rate)
        employeeName = eName;
        hoursWorked = hrsWorked;
        rateOfPay = rate;
    public void PrintName()
        SC.WriteLine("\nEmployee Name:\t{0}", employeeName);

    public void CalculateGrossPay()
        grossPay = hoursWorked * rateOfPay;
        if (hoursWorked > 40)
            overtimePay = (hoursWorked - 40) * rateOfPay;
            overtimePay = 0;
        SC.Write("\nGross pay is:\t{0,10}", grossPay.ToString("C"));
        SC.WriteLine(" (including Overtime: {0})", overtimePay.ToString("C"));

    public void CalculateStateTax()
        const double stateTaxRate = 0.04;
        stateTax = grossPay * stateTaxRate;

        SC.WriteLine("\nState tax is:\t{0,10}", stateTax.ToString("C"));

    public void CalculateFederalTax()
        const double federalTaxRate = 0.23;
        federalTax = grossPay * federalTaxRate;

        SC.WriteLine("\nFederal tax is:\t{0,10}", federalTax.ToString("C"));

    public void CalculateFICATax()
        const double ficaTaxRate = 0.14;
        ficaTax = grossPay * ficaTaxRate;

        SC.WriteLine("\nFICA tax is:\t{0,10}", ficaTax.ToString("C"));

    public void CalculateNetPay()
        netPay = grossPay - (stateTax + federalTax + ficaTax);
        SC.WriteLine("\nNet pay is:\t{0,10}", netPay.ToString("C"));
} // end of Employee class


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