Joma Rajab

Joma Rajab

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Hoe to make a selected column distinct in inner join

Aug 16 2016 7:54 AM
I need to make one column distinct in inner join three tables 
 I need to make videoName distinct y only not other colunms
how can I write the query  
please help
  1. SElECT distinct  t1.MID, distinct t1.VideoName, t2.*,t3.UniID,t3.user_type from dbo.Material AS t1 INNER JOIN  dbo.ModuleRelation As t2 ON t2.MID=t1.MID INNER JOIN dbo.Users AS t3 ON t3.UniID=t2.UId  where t3.user_type='Staff' and t1.IsDeleted = 0 AND t2.MID='CM1034D';    

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