Uday Gaikwad

Uday Gaikwad

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hiding default title column from sharepoint list definition elements.xml in SharePoint 2010.

Aug 26 2010 5:42 AM

How to hide defualt column "Title" from list definition elements.xml in sharepoint 2010.
I have created custom content type and its inherit from 0x01(Item) when i add field into it then its show me default title field also. Just i want remove the default field from list definition.
Name="Products content type"
Description="Content types for products list"
Group="Custom content type for Products"
FieldRef ID="{A83E47F7-0BE8-49EB-8B7B-F009BFD3EF58}" Name="ProductName" DisplayName="Product Name" Description="field describes the product name"/>
FieldRef ID="{7B274E7F-1C49-4116-969A-F584B46F3D5C}" Name="ProductCode" DisplayName=" Product Code" Description="field describes the product code"/>
FieldRef ID="{EDD520B7-1958-45AC-801E-C8FE47144609}" Name="ProductCategory" DisplayName="Product Category" Description="field describes the product category"/>
FieldRef ID="{FFA2511B-8672-499D-95A4-22044AAF00CC}" Name="ProductPrice" DisplayName="Product Price" Description="field describes the product price"/>
FieldRef ID="{10927F13-2E67-4895-94D1-08387C7C6C5F}" Name="Description" DisplayName="Description" Description="field describes the product description"/>
