I have combobox1 , combobox2 ,combobox3 ,combobox4 ,combobox5 ,combobox6and button1the comboboxes are getting their data from sql tablescombobox4 ,combobox5 ,combobox6 are hidden by default
combobox1 , combobox2 ,combobox3 disabled by default
I want combobox1 ,combobox2 ,combobox3 to hide themselves if their value is null and
show the other hidden ones which are combobox4 ,combobox5 ,combobox6 and if
combobox1 ,combobox2 ,combobox3 have value stay disabled and keep
combobox4 ,combobox5 ,combobox6 hiddenand the event of button1 check which 3 comboboxes are hidden and use the data in the visible ones to insert them into the tablethanks in advance