Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if someone could help me with this. I am sending requests and getting responses from a server using XML serialization. I have to make an XML request that looks like this.....
<EntityRequest> <Entity> <EntityName>My Name</EntityName> <Address> <Street>My Street</Street> <City>My City</City> <State>My State</State> <PostalCode>12345</PostalCode> </Address> <ContactList> <Contacts> <Description>FAX</Description> <Telephone> <Number>123-456-7890</Number> </Telephone> </Contacts> <Contacts> <Description>HOME</Description> <Telephone> <Number>321-654-9870</Number> </Telephone> </Contacts> <Contacts> <Description>CELL</Description> <Telephone> <Number>500-894-4569</Number> </Telephone> </Contacts> </ContactList> </Entity></EntityRequest>
I need to populate this request with information to send to the server. Now, I already have the seialization and deserialization already programmed and working. My issue is that the <Contacts> tags need to be put in some kind of array. This wouldn't be that bad but some of the tags are nested deeper like the <Number> tags. I have the Contacts part in a class and the Telephone part as another class instantiated inside the Contacts class. Bottom line is I think I need to insert the group of Contact tags into an array to have a multiple group of Contact tags as needed for more than 1 contact.
My c# code looks like.......
EntityRequest request =
request.entityRequest.entity.entityName = "My Name";
request.entityRequest.entity.address.streetLineOne = "My Street";
request.entityRequest.entity.address.city = "My City";
request.entityRequest.entity.address.state = "My State";
request.entityRequest.entity.address.postalCode = "12345";
//The above code works fine, but when I try to use the array..
request.entityRequest.entity.contactList.contacts[0].description = "FAX";
request.entityRequest.entity.contactList.contacts[0].telephone.number = "123-456-7890";
I get the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" pointed at the array.
Could anyone help me put this in a proper array? I will provide more code and explainations if needed. Thanks to everyone in advance.