help with Threading with textboxes

Oct 7 2008 4:53 AM
hi, im new here.
i have a thread, with textboxes, i have invoker which invokes when it is required.
when it invokes, the text was able to show, but if it doesn't require invoke, i just wrote

textbox1.Text += "thestring";

but the textbox was unable to show, anyone know how to solve it?

my textbox code it's under a function, where my thread calls it.

 public void updateit(string message)
if (txtrecieve.IsDisposed) return;
if (txtrecieve.InvokeRequired)
                    invoker = new GeneralDelegate(MethodRunningInMainThread);
                    txtrecieve.Invoke(invoker, new object[] { message });

                   txtrecieve.Text +=  message;

my thread

 private void Listen()
            Chat_Listen cl = new Chat_Listen(l2);

            while (true)
                myport = cl.returnport();
                string message = cl.Listen(pass, salt, init);
                string[] part = message.Split(';');

                if (part[0] == "sendmsg2")
                    string username = part[2].ToString() + ":" + part[3].ToString();
                    string msgRecieve = " Says: " + part[1].ToString();
                    string message1 = username + msgRecieve;


the one that activates the thread

 private void Chat_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (!this.IsHandleCreated)
                lock (this)

            dp_local.Image = local;
            //dp_remote.Image = remoteimg;
            this.Text = "Talking to: " + remoteNickname;

             Sender = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Send));
            Listener = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Listen));
            //Listener.IsBackground = true;


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