Dennis Mariano

Dennis Mariano

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Help with Refreshing DataGridView

Dec 11 2006 1:50 AM
Hi, I have a dataset , which I bounded to the datagridview, private BindingSource inBS; inBS.DataSource = AddProductDataset ; inBS.DataMember = "AddProduct"; this.dataGridView1.DataSource = inBS.DataSource; this.dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = true; I have this code to add a new row to the AddProduct Dataset , newrow = delProductDS1.Tables["AddProduct"].NewRow(); newrow["productcode"] = this.cboproduct.SelectedValue; newrow["product"] = this.cboproduct.Text; newrow["Qty"] = System.Convert.ToDouble(this.txtqty.Text.ToString()); newrow["lotno"] = this.txtlotno.Text; newrow["expdate"] = this.dateTimePicker2.Value; delProductDS1.Tables["AddProduct"].Rows.Add(newrow); the new row is being added .. my problem is that the DATAGRIDVIEW wont reflect the newly added ROW .. please help .. ([email protected]) thanks

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