As a relative newbie to SQL Server/ASP.NET I'm hoping someone here can help with my problem. I'm developing a timesheet application in ASP.NET C# using Visual Studio 2003 with a database built in MSDE. One of my forms needs to return a simple list of resources from my database. I have followed the guide on the MSDN libraries, but for some reason I continuously get the same error message.
What I've done so far is Create the database, tables, and populate with some sample data using using Server Explorer in Visual Studio. I have connected to the database (using integrated security) and I am trying to get the contents of the Resource table to appear on my form. I have then created a DataAdapter (tested the connection, set the SQL as a simple SELECT * from Resource, etc), which also generates an sqlConnection for me. To test this I have previewed the generated data, and it returns what I want, so I have chosen to generate a DataSet of this. I am then trying to get this data into a simple DataGrid. On the properties of the DataGrid I have changed the DataSource to point at my Dataset. As I understand it, I then have to add the following to my Page Load section of my code.
The form builds fine, but when I browse to the particular form I get the following error for the sqlConnection1.Open(); line. If I remove this line the error simply moves to the line below.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database requested in login 'SCMS'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'AL-NOTEPAD\ASPNET'.
To me this is an error with my connection string. My database instance is actually 'AL-NOTEPAD\VSDOTNET'. However the properties for sqlConnection1 are pointing to the correct datasource. I do not know why the application is looking for user 'AL-NOTEPAD\ASPNET'. It does not exist, to my knowledge.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, as I get the same error with my code for forms-based login...
Thanks in advance..Hi,
Thanks in advance..