Gary King

Gary King

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Help Needed - How to approach this task

Jan 4 2011 11:39 AM


I have been asked to create a rather long form/survey and was wondering how to approach this...

Basicially, the first thing we do is capture some information about the user (name, dates, etc). Then we need to determine which parts of the form/survey are going to apply to this particular user (subjects include "Fire Safety", "Hot Works", "Electrical Work", "Working with Chemicals", etc).

Once the user has filled in this information (check boxes - "Yes" / "No") we then know which sections of the form to present to the user. For example, if the user has indicated that Fire Safety and Electrical Work apply, then we only need to present questions belonging to these 2 categories.

What I am struggling with is determining what is the best way to do this in terms of whether to use a Wizard, MultiView or maybe something else.

What are you thoughts on it - what would be your preferred approach & why?

Answers (2)