Help me Urgent

Oct 5 2005 3:12 AM


I am using ASP.Net 2.0

I have created one objectDataSource according to data which i required

I have made one class for that objectDatasource.

I write a function for Insert update delete and select

select function returns a datatable.

Update function has all req. field which i want to update.

delete function have a name deleteTimpSlip and having parameter DocumentID

i have a gridview and i have bind this with objectdatasource.

in columns section i define CommandField tag which give edit ,delete and update button

When i click delete button of the grid. An error comes.

ObjectDataSource 'objDSTimeSlip' could not find a non-generic method 'DeleteTimeSlip' that has parameters: documentID, original_DocumentID

How can i pass the document id for delete .
