Help me please, how can I split these RTF formatting code from string in C#?

Mar 22 2007 1:34 AM
how can I split these rtf formatting code from string in C#?

string strWord ="
. Point we hall invetigate in thi direction include:par par pntextpardplainfc1 aiaf0af20 fc0 f3f20lang2057langfe1033langnp2057 lochaf3dbchaf0hichf3 'b7tabpard qj fi-360li360ri0l360lmult1widctlpar*pn pnlvlbltilvl0l1pnrnot0pnf3pntart1pnindent360pnhang pntxtb 'b7faautol1rin0lin360itap0pararid6227368 fc1 aiaf0 fc0 iinrid6227368 Automation of the earch and filtering proce through the ue of intelligent agentfc1 af0 fc0 inrid6227368 . Autonomou media-pecific agent can be ued to execute the actual earch and collaboratively filter the reult."

thanks alot.