Scott Stewart

Scott Stewart

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Help make good choices in Application Properties.

Aug 8 2023 5:38 PM

I have created several WPF apps but have never really uunderstood the properties.

Target OS Version, for example. Windows 7, 8 or 10.0.17763.0 up to 10.0.22621.0? Why wouldn't it just be Windows 10 (and now 11)?

Enable Windows Forms for this project. Arent Windows Forms deader than yesterday's fish? Why would the choice even be there? 

Should the application template be a class library or just a WPF application? I have seen others on You Tude create apps starting with a class library, but I don't understand the purpose.

Some clarification would help a lot. Other problems are hounding me, but the whole foundation may be the problem. I have to get this stuff straight before asking about specifics.



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