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Help launching programs without drive letters.

Jun 25 2007 7:00 PM
Hi, this might sound like a really "noob" question but for the life of me i cant work this out.

I want to make a program that i can put onto a CD and this program can execute another application off the CD. Now obviously drive letters vary between CD. I took it for granted that by putting shell("\Pathname\Application.exe" the program would realise that im pointing to a folder within the folder the app is in and then telling it to launch the .exe from the sub folder. But it always comes up with an error saying make sure this file exists.

Can anyone shed some light on where im going wrong.


I just tried moving the exe to the same directory as the main app and it launches. It doesnt seem to like it if i try to launch it from a sub directory.

**EDIT 2**
Solved my own problem. Removing the first \ from the path i was trying to get it to navigate to worked.