Ayesha balooshi

Ayesha balooshi

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Help in inserting data into a table

May 10 2010 10:41 AM
good day,
I have created a manual form with a text box and drop down list

using the code below

Protected Sub Order_Button_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Order_Button.Click


        Dim objConnection As SqlConnection

        Dim objDataCommand As SqlCommand


        Dim orderid, branchidsend, branchidreceive As String

        Dim orditemdate As String


        Dim sSQL As String

        Dim ConnectionString As String


        orderid = orderidtxt.Text

        branchidsend = Branchid_send_DropDownList.Text

        branchidreceive = Branchid_receive_DropDownList.Text

        orditemdate = orditemdatetxt.Text


ConnectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("UCSConnectionString").ConnectionString


        objConnection = New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)



        sSQL = "Insert into Order (order_id, Br_id_send, Br_id_receive)" & _

        "values('" & orderid & " ', ' " & branchidsend & " ',' " & branchidreceive & " ')"


        objDataCommand = New SqlCommand(sSQL, objConnection)



        sSQL = "Insert into Ordered_Item (OrdI_dt)" & _

        "values('" & orditemdate & " ')"


        objDataCommand = New SqlCommand(sSQL, objConnection)





        msgLabel.Text = "Your order has been submitted successfuly, Thank you."


    End Sub


however, the highlighted part is the error i am getting after clicking the button ...

Answers (2)