Vignesh Kumar

Vignesh Kumar

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Help in delete & update query

Nov 1 2013 1:25 AM
I am joining two tables and fetching columns from two tables (App_Main & App_Test) and binding that to a grid. How can I write delete & update query having EAI Code as primary. 

select Main.[EAI_Code], Main.[Active_Ind], Main.[App_Class],Main.[App_Long_Name],
Main.[App_Short_Name], Main.[App_Status], Main.[Critical_Ind], Main.[LOB],
Main.[Master_App_Id], Main.[Master_App_Name],Test.[App Name], Test.[Critical App],
Test.[L2 Group], Test.[L2 Subb Group], Test.[OBM Comments], Test.[OBM Status],
Test.[OBM Target Date], Test.[PM L2 Lead], Test.[Platform], Test.[Tricare]
from App_Main as Main inner join App_Test as Test on Main.[EAI_Code]= Test.[EAI code]

Answers (3)