I like to work with a while and a switch to type commands to call functions
I have a function decrease
public void Decrease(int input) { input -= 5; Thread.Sleep(100); Console.WriteLine("Input is now:" + input+"\n"); }
And a function increase
public void Increase(int input) { input += 5; Thread.Sleep(100); Console.WriteLine("Input is now:" + input + "\n"); }
And my Main
static void Main(string[] args) { CommandTest c = new CommandTest(); string Command = Console.ReadLine(); while (Command != "stop") { switch (Command) { case "start": c.Decrease(50); break; case "stop": c.Increase(50); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Wrong input!"); break; } }
When I type 'start' on my cmd It always repeats the functions 'Decrease' -> that's OK:-)
But When I type 'Stop' it doesn't call my function 'Increase', why not?
Is there something wrong with the statement of my while?
What's wrong here ?