I want Last Column heading should be displayed as Location but it is displaying desciption of Column Name from Location table.
SELECT A."Type",A."SeriesName",A."DocNum",A."DocEntry",A."CardCode", A."CardName",A."DocDate", A."SecCode",A."SecDesc",A."TaxbleAmt",A."TaxRate",A."WTAmt",A."PAN NO" , "Branch",(Select "Location" from OLCT where "Code" = A."Location") As Location From ( Select 'AP Invoice' "Type", T4."SeriesName",T0."DocNum", (Select "BPLName" from OBPL where "BPLId"=T0."BPLId") "Branch",(Select Distinct("LocCode") from PCH1 where "DocEntry"=T0."DocEntry") "Location" From OPCH T0 Left Join PCH5 T1 On T0."DocEntry"=T1."AbsEntry" Left Join NNM1 T4 On T4."Series"=T0."Series" Where T1."Rate">0 )A