1)Write a method that starts with a single linked list of integers and a special value called the splitting value
(or pivot). The elements of the list are in no particular order. The method divides the nodes into two linked
lists: one containing all the nodes that contain an element less than the pivot and one that contains all the
other nodes. If the original linked list had any repeated integers, then the new linked list that has this pivot
should have the same number of nodes that repeat this pivot. The method returns two head references—one
for each of the linked lists that were created.
2 )Create a GUI application to test your method. Your application should allow the user to specify the
required length of the linked list. Then, the program uses random numbers (generated between 1, 1000) to
create the list with the specified length and display it to the user. Finally, the user enters a pivot and the
program should display the two lists, as described in the question.
Note : 1st part of question is done help me with 2nd part ?
Help me thanks