i am not using git along with VS IDE for a long time. so i have some small question.
1) when i login to github from VS IDE then how could i log off because once i login and from then when i am adding more project from VS to github then i saw VS not asking for credentials.
2) just read a article from this page http://haacked.com/archive/2015/04/30/github-in-your-visual-studio/
see UI has been change for publish in VS2015 but in VS2013 when we click on sync button then publish option comes where i need to put a github project url but in VS2015 we are just provide name of the project
3) how to create branch from VS IDE to github ? when we create a new branch then empty branch will be created or my project content goes to there when create new branch from VS IDE 2013/2015 ?
4) if new branch will be empty then how could i move my project files there from VS IDE 2013/2015
5) get latest option will be there when we work with git and VS IDE 2013/2015 or do i need to use pull option ?
6) what is github fork and follow feature ?
7) why github is consider as distributed SCM just because it store change history locally ?
please post the answer as per the point wise. thanks