Schleid Alex

Schleid Alex

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Getting the selected value html.dropdowlist with jquery

Feb 19 2020 8:56 AM
I am trying to put the selected value of the html.dropdownlist in a hidden input using the following jquery script but it is not working
    <!-- Inject Script Filtered -->
the dropdownlist in the view is:

    @Html.DropDownList("StoreCategoryID", ViewBag.Category as SelectList, "Please select a Category", new { Onchange = @"form-submit" })

Catid = Id of the input tag.
Why it is not showing in the input tag?
I would also like to display the related product on a table without having to post the form and the html.dropdownlist to retain it state.
Or if posting the page is easier I am ok with that too.
Any help please

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