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Getting HelpString info from a VB dll?

Apr 2 2008 5:37 PM
I am writing a C# app that loads COM dlls and interrogates them for method information.

This works ok with .NET dlls, but I'm having trouble retrieving everything I need from VB 6.0 dlls.  While I can get method name and return type,  I can't get the HelpString either from the type or its properties.

I've been using the classes in the TLI namespace: TLI.TypeLibInfo, TLI.TypeInfo, TLI.InterfaceInfo and TLI.MemberInfo.  TLI.MemberInfo has properties called HelpFile, HelpContext and HelpStringContext but they are always 0 or null.

Is there a way to get the help information this way?

If not, is there another way to get to it?

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