Mark Tabor

Mark Tabor

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Getting Data from two tables

Jun 12 2016 11:28 AM
I have two tables one of USERS and second of UserFiles just like below 
 UserId Name Email Phone
 1 New [email protected]    0909000
 2 Old [email protected] 0998099
 FileID(Primary) UserID(Foreignkey) FileNameDateCreated  Active
 1 1 MyResume.Doc 2/2/2016 true
 2 1 Image.JPG 2/17/2016 true
 3 1 Cover.Docx 2/20/2016 true
 4 2 Card.png 1/1/2017 true
Now I have a gridview I want to show one File for each user I mean the latest file for this user According to datecreated for example here I have three files for userid=1 but i just want to show the Cover.Docx because it is latest one for this user according to datecreated Field.
I want this record how to do that
 RecordID UserId FileName Email Phone
 1 1 Cover.Docx [email protected] 0909000
 2 2card.png  [email protected] 0998099
I want that record how to achived that  

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