Hamza Jutt

Hamza Jutt

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Generate Matrix layout quiz question

Dec 24 2021 8:58 PM

I have two tables in one table i have question id and question name and other table have option id , option namee and question id i have to view question and his option on screen and this is my code but problem is question is writen with every option and i want 1 question and his options can anyone help me on this

public class ExamController : Controller
    Exam_systemEntities1 dbobj = new Exam_systemEntities1();
    public ActionResult Question_Paper(int id)
        return View(dbobj.Sp_Question_Paper(id).ToList());

@model IEnumerable<ExamSystem.Models.Sp_Question_Paper_Result>
    ViewBag.Title = "Detail_View_Question";
    char i = 'a';
@using (Html.BeginForm())
    foreach (var item in Model)
        foreach(var itemm in Model)
        <p> @i) @item.option_name<br> </p>