Function comaparison

May 29 2014 12:40 AM
I need to split the count exactly into 9 partitions if contains any remainder it should be appended to last partition. I have created two functions ideally both are same.Kindly suggest which will be the best way to implement and why.

Function 1
public static int trustcheck(int totalRows, int rowCount)
            if (rowCount != 0 && (rowCount % (totalRows / 9)).Equals(0))
                if (((totalRows % (totalRows / 9)) + rowCount).Equals(totalRows))
                    return 0;
                    return 1;
                if (rowCount.Equals(totalRows))
                    return 1;
                    return 0;


        public static int trustcheck2(int totalRows, int rowCount)
            return (rowCount != 0 && (rowCount % (totalRows / 9)).Equals(0)) ? (((totalRows % (totalRows / 9)) + rowCount).Equals(totalRows) ? 0 : 1) : ((rowCount.Equals(totalRows)) ? 1 : 0);


Main Method
static void Main(string[] args)
            trustcheck(105, 105);
            ArrayList lst = new ArrayList();
            for (int k = 0; k <= 105; k++)
                if (trustcheck2(105, k) > 0)

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