hi i tried foreign key constraint in the following code,but not working (i.e not throws error when i tried to delete a row which is used by some other table),pls tell me know what is the issue on the following code
try { int salesid = 2; DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); DataSet fakeDS = new DataSet(); DataTable dt = null; fakeDS.ReadXml(@"product.xml"); dt = fakeDS.Tables[0].Copy(); dt.TableName = "product"; ds1.Tables.Add(dt); DataSet fakeDS2 = new DataSet(); DataTable dt2 = null; fakeDS2.ReadXml(@"sales.xml"); dt2 = fakeDS2.Tables[0].Copy(); dt2.TableName = "sales"; ds1.Tables.Add(dt2); DataColumn dcParent, dcChild; dcChild = ds1.Tables["sales"].Columns["productid"]; dcParent = ds1.Tables["product"].Columns["id"]; ForeignKeyConstraint FKC = new ForeignKeyConstraint("foreignkeys", ds1.Tables["product"].Columns["id"], ds1.Tables["sales"].Columns["productid"]); FKC.DeleteRule = Rule.None; ds1.Tables[1].Constraints.Add(FKC); ds1.Tables[1].AcceptChanges(); ds1.AcceptChanges(); for (int i = 0; i < ds1.Tables[1].Rows.Count; i++) { if (ds1.Tables[1].Rows[i]["salesid"].Equals(salesid.ToString())) //if (ds1.Rows[i]["productid"].Equals(salesid.ToString())) { //dt2.Rows[i].Delete(); ds1.Tables[1].Rows[i].Delete(); } } } catch (Exception ex1) { MessageBox.Show(ex1.Message.ToString()); }