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Focus on row/colun

Jan 4 2007 4:40 PM

First of all, I am using VS 2003.  I am validating column values in a datagrid in the following fashion.

If I find an error, I want to set the focus on the row/column of that value.  I am having trouble with this.  Any suggestions?


foreach(DataRow currentRow in insertedTable.Rows)


foreach(DataColumn currentColumns in insertedTable.Columns)


string columnName = currentColumns.ColumnName;

object columnValue = currentRow[currentColumns];



       case "CLIENT_CD":

            if (currentRow[currentColumns] == DBNull.Value)


                 currentRow[currentColumns] = clientText;




                      MessageBox.Show("Craft Code Exists!", "Craft Code Already Exists. ", MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                      Here is where I want to set the focus on the row/column <------------------------------------

