MSWeb Developer

MSWeb Developer

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Find latitude longitude within 100 km radius

Dec 25 2015 7:12 AM
Hello All.......

I am new in Asp.Net WCF REST Web Service development..........

I am working on Asp.Net WCF REST Web Service application which is using c# and MS SQL Server 2008 R2 as database. I want to have a list of locations within 100 km radius from a specified location. I do have a list of latitude and longitude stored in a table of database. I want to have one method in service which finds out the list of lat long within 100 km radius from a specified lat long.

As this is the Web service, so I think the code must be written in c# or sql stored procedure.

Can anybody help me to perform this?.

Thanks in advance.

- Regards

Answers (1)