hello can i just ask what is wrong with my code:
private void listViewApp_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e){labelAppName.Text = labelAppCreated.Text = labelAppModified.Text = labelAppAccessed.Text = "";if (listViewApp.SelectedItems.Count > 0){string fullname = (string)listViewApp.SelectedItems[0].Tag;FileInfo fi = new FileInfo (fullname);label1.Text = fi.Name;label2.Text = fi.CreationTime.ToLongDateString ();label3.Text = fi.LastWriteTime.ToLongDateString ()label4.Text = fi.LastAccessTime.ToLongDateString ();}
the label2.Text dosent shows the date the file was build. For example, I build my .exe on my local folder and when i update my .exe to ther server (by copy-paste) it always shows the date when the file was (the first time)copied to that folder and not the date the file was build.
Any help pls.