I have this code:
System.IO.File.Create(productDetailsPath);XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();XmlElement details = xmlDoc.CreateElement("ProductDetalils");details.SetAttribute("Name", ProjectName);details.SetAttribute("Revision", RevisionNumber);XmlText textNode = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(textBoxConfigDetails.Text);details.AppendChild(textNode);xmlDoc.AppendChild(details);xmlDoc.Save(productDetailsPath);
when I use the command xmlDoc.Save(productDetailsPath); i get the exception:
The process cannot access the file '.....\ProductDetails.xml' because it is being used by another process.
I know it is because I just created the file. But is there any way to "let go" of the file after creating it so I can read/write to/from it?
Best regards Peter