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Few clarifications regarding ACT

Jun 11 2007 5:03 AM

Hi All,
I have been working with Performance testing for the past 2 years. I recently came across Microsoft Application Test Tool and was interested in exploring more about it. I have installed the tool and tried working around with it. I kindly request you to clarify few of my queries regarding ACT.
1. How do you start using the tool? Is there any plug-ins like a run time viewer to be included to it?
2. How can recording options be set in ACT?
3. What are the lists of protocols supported by it?
4. Are there any options to set the playback settings?
5. How do I access the request and response logs from the server? Is it possible to do parameterisation and correlation?
6. Is it possible to generate user defined graphs with respect to time?
It would be of great help if you could help me in this regard.
Thanks in advance.
