Bhanuprakash Bysani

Bhanuprakash Bysani

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Facing problem in crawling websites using enterprise search

Nov 10 2013 1:10 PM
Hi All,

I am working in XXX Website search project. In this I am facing the below issues.

Issue 1:--

To get Site option as a refiner in search results page when crawling the websites(Non SharePoint sites) using enterprise search in SharePoint 2013.

For the above requirement I have created a search service application with a content source crawling the external site.
In search results I have placed the refinement panel and able to get the results based on Filetype ,Author ,Modified date.
But with the Site refinement we are not able to get the results.
By default SharePoint provides Site refiner also which will display the site names but as we are crawling External sites(Non SharePoint sites) we are unable to get the results.
Please suggest  if any other alternative approach is available.

Issue 2:-

Continuation Crawl with External sites

In SharePoint 2013 if we crawl SharePoint sites "Enable continuation crawl feature is available"
But this feature is not available when we take the crawl resource as external sites.
Approaches tried: -As feature is not visible in UI I have tried starting the feature with PowerShell command, didn't get any error. But it is not started
Is there any possibility to achieve this?
Please help me in solving the above issues.

Bhanu Prakash Bysani