Hi all,
Good Day! I am using C# Visual Studio 2008. in this i am developing code for setting property value of extended text boxes. In this extended text box i can set property of data required and data type. But when i am using tab page control as ctrl that common name i couldn't set property. i am not getting these extended properties.
And my code is:
TabPage pTbPage = tabControl1.SelectedTab;
foreach (Control ctrl in pTbPage.Controls) //Validation
if ((ctrl) is extdTextBox)
findFieldName = "fld" + ctrl.Name.Substring(3, (ctrl.Name.Length) - 3);
try // read validation table {
sltqry = "SELECT * FROM tValidation where (tTName='" + table2Select + "') and (tFName='" + findFieldName + "')";
cmd = new SqlCommand(sltqry, cn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (rdr != null && rdr.HasRows) foundRecord = true;
if (foundRecord == true)
getType = rdr.GetString(rdr.GetOrdinal("tType"));
ctrl.//not getting Datatype property
//here i want set data type as Whole number
if (rdr.GetString(rdr.GetOrdinal("tReqd")) == "TRUE")
ctrl. //not getting DAtaRequired //here i want set data required as yes
cmd.Dispose(); } //try catch (Exception ex)
errlog(calgRotnTryName, ex.Message, sltqry); //function to insert error message details into terrlog table
if (msgBoxCount == 0) { MessageBox.Show(calgRotnTryName + " " + ex.Message);
} //catch (Exception ex)
} //if ((ctrl) is extdTextBox)
} //foreach (Control ctrl in pTbPage.Controls) //Validation