Naeem Khan

Naeem Khan

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Exam & Result Analysis software

Nov 11 2010 1:34 AM
hello friends,

I've prepared a small overview of the way to approach this software & its development. The information you can see
in the files is based on the details sent by the client & to my understanding, i've broken it up to different file/table system
as required by the software. What i want you to do is to go thru it & update me, if there are more changes to be 
incorporated. Also, let me tell you that this is not the final draft, as more info on this will be provided / added / modified /
removed, before we actually get into the development of the software.

What the file i've attached would give you a fair idea of what the software is to do.

it'll be really helpful, as i've been asked to come up with details of what i've understood on this proposed project. 

so please give me more suggestion for this Software i m waiting your Reply...

Reply me ASAP...
