I am getting error - Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type 'Table<View_SessionDeliveryCalendarDetails_Student>'. 'SelectMany' not found.
var Result = (from t in context.View_SessionDeliveryCalendarDetails_Students from t2 in context.View_BookDetails where (int)t.BookID == (int)t2.ID && t.CurrentStatus == "Due" && t.SessionDate.Value.Date >= frDate && t.SessionDate.Value.Date <= toDate && (ddlDeliveryStatus.SelectedValue != "" ? t.BookDeliveryStatus == ddlDeliveryStatus.SelectedValue : 1 == 1) && t.BookID != 65 //&& t.SessionType == "Regular" orderby t.Name select new { t.GroupName, t.SessionDate, t.BookTitle, t2.AmazonName, t2.AmazonURL, TargetDelivery = Convert.ToDateTime(t.SessionDate).AddDays(-Convert.ToInt32(t.ReadngTime)), t.StudentID, GrpName = t.SessionType == "Regular" ? t.GroupName : t.LeadNumber }).ToList(); return Request.CreateResponse(HtpStatusCode.OK, Result, Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter);