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Error while creating XML Document : XML document must have a top level element

May 31 2007 9:19 AM

I'm trying to serialize the object below and get the following error when creating the xml file.
 XML document must have a top level element. Error processing resource

It works when there is just one instance in the collection. Can anyone help me with this?

    public class Processes
        string pvtProcessesName = "";

        List<ProcessAttribute> pvtPros = new List<ProcessAttribute>(0);

        public Processes()

        public string ProcessesName
            get { return pvtProcessesName; }
            set { pvtProcessesName = value; }
        public List<ProcessAttribute> All_Processes
            get { return pvtPros; }
            set { pvtPros = value; }

        public void Add(ProcessAttribute pAtt)

The above object has a collection of the below object

    public class ProcessAttribute
        string pvtName = "";

        List<NodeAttributes> pvtNodes = new List<NodeAttributes>(0);

        public ProcessAttribute()

        public string ProcessName
            get { return pvtName; }
            set { pvtName = value; }

        public List<NodeAttributes> Nodes
            get { return pvtNodes; }
            set { pvtNodes = value; }

        public void Add(NodeAttributes nd)


NodeAttributes is a class with variables with get and set methods.
How can I solve the problem

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