Murali Kris

Murali Kris

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Error while adding a user to site collection administrator

Sep 16 2017 5:04 AM
 Hi All,
please help me from below issue.
get-access is button it reads input from text box , and it has to add that user id in to as a site collcetion administrator.
please see below code. where i am getting error.
private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string adduser = string.Empty;// textBox4.Text.Trim();
adduser = textBox4.Text.Trim();
if (Context == null)
Context = Get_Context();
foreach (var scUser in Context.Site.RootWeb.SiteUsers)
if (scUser.IsSiteAdmin)
//here i am getting error 
User user = Web.EnsureUser(adduser);
// another formate tryed below also getting error same .
User user = Web.EnsureUser(@"domain\username").ToString(); 
Error : an Object referance is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'web.ensureUser(string)'
// Context.Site.RootWeb.SiteUsers.AddUser()
// Context.Site.RootWeb.SiteUsers.AddUser(scUser.Id);
please can any one help me here. 

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