Stan Huang

Stan Huang

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Error while 32-bit C# program calling 32-bit C++ DLL

Feb 3 2021 3:54 AM
I called a 32-bit C++ DLL from a 32-bit C# application, resulting in the error: "HRESULT: 0x8007000B". I used tools, such as sigcheck and "dumpbin /headers" to confirm the application and DLL are both 32-bit ones. I googled all relative articles and they are saying this is due to a 64-bit application calling 32-bit DLL. I confirm the two are 32-bit ones.
So, what can I do to check and figure it out.
My IDE is VS 2019 on Windows 10.
I referred source codes and take as base from : My calling portions at C# program and DLL codes are cut and paste from the above sample. I also built and tested the sample successfully. So, I got confused why it doesn't work at my programs because I follow the same structure at my project.

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