Here is code that will not work, but query works in SQL Server. I cannot figure this out.The spelling is correct. arep I get this error: Invalid object name 'SubrogationStep2'. SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection =; cmd.CommandText = @"DELETE SubrogationStep2 FROM SubrogationStep2 a INNER JOIN (SELECT FormNbr, ClaimType, AdmitDate FROM SubrogationStep2 GROUP BY FormNbr, ClaimType, AdmitDate HAVING (COUNT(*) > 1)) b on b.FormNbr = a.FormNbr and b.ClaimType = a.ClaimType and b.AdmitDate = a.AdmitDate WHERE a.Step2Seq not in (SELECT MIN(Step2Seq) AS RecordToKeep FROM SubrogationStep2 GROUP BY FormNbr, ClaimType, AdmitDate, FormNbr, ClaimType HAVING (COUNT(*) > 1))"; cmd.CommandTimeout = 9000; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose();
Invalid object name 'SubrogationStep2'.