moon lal

moon lal

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Error in select statement in C# code.

Jun 13 2009 8:43 PM
Hello Friends, Rite now i am developing an application for maintaining employee login,logout information. I am using a select statement where the condition is userid & systemtime. below is the code. sqlcommand="SELECT timein1,curstatus FROM report WHERE userid=" + userID; sqlcommand += " and [date1]="; sqlcommand+=System.DateTime.Today; commandSelect.CommandText = sqlcommand; readerSelect = commandSelect.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); This is the exception iam getting. Regards, moon0315 ex = {"Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'userid=31 and [date1]=6/13/2009 12:00:00 AM'."} I have spent almost 7 hrs in figuring out the error.but no use. i guess the error is in; Rite now i am clueless.. It would be so great if some one helps me... Pls help me..

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