I am trying to set a property in a Form from a Class that I called. There is an error. Can someone tell me where the error is in the line marked as //ERROR.
private void TabPageEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
Form TheForm = Form.ActiveForm.ActiveMdiChild;
TheTabPageName = ((TabPage)sender).Name.Substring(7);
switch (TheTabPageName)
case "Record":
MessageBox.Show("TabPageEnter: TheForm:" + TheForm.Name.ToString()); // = FormGeneral // GOOD
MessageBox.Show("TabPageEnter: TheTabPageEnter=" + TheTabPageName); // = tabPageRecord // GOOD
//FormGeneral.buttonRecordPrint.Visible = true; // What I want to do.
((Form)sender).GetType().GetField("buttonRecordPrint.Visible").SetValue(((Form)sender), true); // Error
//Error = {"Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.TabPage' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'."}