Danish Habib

Danish Habib

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Error executing child request for CDFQuarterlyReportPage.asp

Mar 4 2015 1:29 AM
I am getting error on server.transfer it gives error on some pages not on all pages below is the code 

                If Session("UserTypes") = "1" Then
                    '' ''Response.Redirect("AddUsers.aspx")
                    Server.Transfer("CreateIndicators.aspx", True)
                End If
                If Session("UserTypes") = "2" Or Session("UserTypes") = "3" Then
                    Server.Transfer("CDFQuarterlyReportPage.aspx", True)
                ElseIf Session("UserTypes") = "4" Then
                    Server.Transfer("CDFQuarterlyReportPage.aspx", True)
                ElseIf Session("UserTypes") = "6" Then
                    Server.Transfer("IndicatorsTargets.aspx", True)

                ElseIf Session("UserTypes") = "5" Then
                    Server.Transfer("PartnerForm.aspx", True)
                ElseIf Session("UserTypes") = "3" Then
                    Server.Transfer("EditPartnersData.aspx", True)
                End If

                ' ''Return True

                lblMessage.Visible = True
                lblMessage.Text = "The Email and password does not match !  "
                lblMessage.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.CadetBlue
            End If
            ' DisplayMessage(Me.ctlMessageBox, "The provided user name and password could not be authenticated. Please retry.", "Authentication Failed", MessageBoxTypes.Error)
            Page.Form.DefaultButton = btnLogin.UniqueID
            Return False
        Catch ex As Exception

            'DisplayMessage(Me.ctlMessageBox, "An unexpected error occurred during processing for Login. Please retry.", "Login Failed", MessageBoxTypes.Error)

            Return False


            DisposeDataObjects(, , cmdUser, cnnUser)

        End Try