I am getting this error in Entity Framework inner join. How can I resolve this error. without touching the database.
I get error
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS" and "Turkish_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.
I need to add below code.
var result = from cartItem in contex.CartItem join article in contex.Article on cartItem.Articel_Oid equals article.Articel_Oid join saleSeason in contex.B2B_SaleSeasonDefinition on new { SaleSeasonOid = cartItem.SaleSeason_Oid, SaleSeasonId = cartItem.SaleSeason_Id } equals new { SaleSeasonOid = saleSeason.Oid, SaleSeasonId = saleSeason.Id } join customer in contex.CurrentCustomer on cartItem.Customer_Code equals customer.Code where cartItem.Customer_Code == Customer group cartItem by new { article.Articel_Oid, article.Articel_Code, article.Model_ArticelName, cartItem.SaleSeason_Oid, cartItem.SaleSeason_Id, cartItem.UnitPrice, customer.ShippingCost, customer.FreightVAT, cartItem.SubUnitPrice } into cart select new ArticleInCart { Articel_Oid = cart.Key.Articel_Oid, Article_Code = cart.Key.Articel_Code, Articel_Name = cart.Key.Model_ArticelName, SumQuantity = cart.Sum(x => x.Quantity), UnitPrice = cart.Key.UnitPrice,//cart.Sum(x => x.Price) / cart.Sum(x => x.Quantity), Price = cart.Sum(x => x.SubTotal), SaleSeason = cart.Key.SaleSeason_Oid, SaleSeason_Id = cart.Key.SaleSeason_Id, Kargo = cart.Key.ShippingCost, KargoVergi = cart.Key.FreightVAT, SubUnitPrice = cart.Key.SubUnitPrice, }; return result.OrderBy(x => x.Article_Code).ToList();