Encrypted video File Playing

Jun 19 2015 5:40 AM
 I developed on ASP.net 4.5 application with C# code , It have more video files that stored in folder,
My request this video file need protection.i think encryption is the best way,
My video file encrypted and encrypted file playing in browser i used the iframe control for file playing
anyone can help me for encrypted file playing

Answers (1)

Nils Wilmer

Nils Wilmer

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Jun 25 2015 6:47 PM
I think you have two options here:
_ you can develop your own encoder that both compresses & encrypts the data. If the compression is done first and then the encryption, then the compression doesn't necessarily need to be lossless, but the encryption/decryption would need to be. Note that this process is not easy and requires good knowledge in DirectShow or Media Foundation programming and other low level programming skills.
_ you can use a toolkit that provide both compressor and encryption methods. This is discussed in this forum post.