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Easy Newbie Question re IDE

Nov 22 2008 10:25 AM

Hi folks - first post, searched to see if I could find this answer but I did not encounter it. This is a simple newbie question:

I have just started using the C# Express IDE. I'm doing the my first familiarity program. I chose "Windows Forms Applications" when I created New Project, and it created a design view of Form1 in the left side of the main IDE panel.

The easy question: how can I move that Form around in that panel? Right away I found how to expand the size of the Form, but I can't figure out how to move it. I'd like to have my Toolbox open on the left but it covers the Form. I've tried Lock values in the Properties pane but my assessment is that this controls locking Controls on the Form. So, how do I unlock/undock/move the Form?


Answers (8)