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Duplex & staple printing with crystal report

Jul 11 2014 5:13 AM
Hello All

In visual studio 2010, using crystal reports. I want to generate a new report for duplex printing and staple printing. I am able to print on Double side. also even  when No of records is more then one. but i have a group of records and each group expand to multiple pages. What i have to do is to print each group's data on double side. but when group changes i.e. Next records will be on the new page and not on reverse side. 

For example, There are multiple buyers and each buyers have multiple orders and other info. Now i am able to print report where each buyer has a multiple page Orders. but not able to do Like, for 1st buyer if 3 page is there. it will print on 1st front , 1st back and 2nd page first. for 2nd buyer's record it prints on 2nd back.. i want to print that on 3rd front page.

so here report bursting will be made to achieve above problem but how this report bursting is made on data field.

If anyone knows about it.. please help..