I got an email giving me a code to dwonload 5 ebooks. How do I use it
Hi Jorge,
Here's a simple guide to download an eBook from the C# Corner eBooks page (https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ebooks):
1. Visit the eBooks page at https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ebooks. 2. Choose the eBook you want to download. This will open a new page with details about the eBook. 3. Click on the "Buy" button. 4. If you are already logged in, you will be directed to the payment page. If not, log in to your C# Corner account or create a new account by clicking the "Sign Up" button. 5. If you have a coupon, click on the "I have a Coupon" link and apply it. If you don’t have a coupon, proceed to enter your card details for payment. 6. After payment, click on the "Pay" button. A download button will then appear on the screen. Click it to download your eBook. Thanks C# Corner Team
Beware of such email links. download e-books from official sources.
From which mail? Be careful about Phishing