Ajay sutar

Ajay sutar

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Displaying multiple roles related to a single record

Jul 3 2014 2:20 AM
Dear Sir,
         My name is Ajay Sutar. I am newly learning MVC 4, as we are about to initiate a new project in ASP .NET MVC 4. I am using a details scaffolding to display a  single record. but now my single employee have multiple roles. As example,
 Emp_no    |    Role                     | Salary 
 E1             | Software Engineer  | 10000
 E1             | Tester                     | 10000 
as i have used Details scaffold and FirstOrDefault method of linq for this view, I am unable to display the second role "Tester" in the  output. only first role is geeting displayed.
What i want is :
Emp_no : E1                 Role: Software Engineer                  Salary:10000

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