Ben Carney

Ben Carney

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Display zip files as 'gallery/thumbnails' & open

Feb 20 2017 8:28 PM
Complete newbie here, sorry for what is most likely a basic question.
I'm trying to create a comic book reader and need some tips.
I want to be able to set the directories (multiple folders), that then show in the app as thumbnails, sorted by their folder structure. The files are technically *.zip or *.rar files, but they're renamed to be *.cbz or *cbr, which then contain an *.xml file with meta data, and the pages of the comics as *.jpg.
How do I:
- Set directory locations so as they are remembered by the app
- Display the files (thumbnail set as the first image in the file)
-  Open the files to show the images
Sorry for several questions, but it felt like that was needed to pull together a complete answer. 

Answers (2)